Applications, Promise of Performance, etc

These are the filings made by Trent Radio to the CRTC pursuant to its 

application for a broadcast licence.  Here also are transcripts of the 

licence and CRTC related decisons.

The renewal application was approved in 1993 for seven years.  In 1997 

the application to modify transmission facilities was approved.

[X]Part I: Application to the CRTC for a Change of Freq & Power Apr96

[X]Part II: Promise of Performance Dec92

[X]CRTC Decision D93-430

[X]CRTC Decision D93-430-1

[X]CRTC Decision D97-025

[X]Licence and Conditions per CRTC Decisions


Trent Radio's Application for Licence Renewal 2000

Useful Information should start to appear here:

[X]Transcript of NCRA/CRTC meeting 12Jun98 - Review of Radio

[X]The CRTC calls for comments on its Review of CC Radio: a personal response