Trent Radio Board & Officer Bios from AGM 24Nov02 Emily Addison This is Ms. Addison's fifth year on the Trent Radio Board of Directors and she is am glad to be back! Now working with the Trent University School of Education and Professional Learning, she says its still exciting to be able to walk into Trent Radio, eat some candy eggs and be part of such an amazing community.
Joel Buxton - Secretary Joel is a newcomer to the Trent Radio BOD, bringing his unsettling enthusiasm for Asian Pop and mastery of electronics to the table. He is partially responsible for a radio show at the station and will be serving as secretary for the year despite his insistence that he "knows not how to write." He is a Trent English student who enjoys drama but NOT melodrama and speaking in the third person.
Kim Fielding Tall, brown hair, greens eyes, loves to cook, and chase children. Domineering when need be, passive most of the time, fabulous dresser! Kim is a part-time student pursuing a Honors Degree in Cultural Studies (year six of a four year program ... gotta love part timers). Dedicated to studing sound, noise and music and how it affects the human condition. On the Board of Directors Kim helps to bring in extra funding through creative initiatives...
Anne Stevenson - Treasurer A native to Edmonton, Alberta, Anne came to Trent to pursue studies in Political Economy and International Development.. Currently in her second year of university, Anne is thrilled to once again be part of the Trent Radio Board of Directors, and to be both the Social Convener and chairing Board Development Committee. She looks forward to an exciting year, the creation of Studio C of course being a highlight. Anne regrets that her plans to study in Ghana next year will take her away from Trent Radio before her term is up, however she looks forward to keeping abreast of Trent Radio activities via the internet.
Al Kirkcaldy. Host of "Blue in the Face" on Trent Radio for last six years. and born and raised in Peterborough, Al has served as a Trent Radio Board member for four years and serves as Sponsorship chair. Mr Kirkcaldy writes a monthly blues column for the Peterborough Examiner and review CDs for the "Southwest Blues" magazine based in Dallas, Texas. In addition to promoting blues acts throughout Ontario, Al is a member of Blues Foundation, Memphis, Tenn.; a member of Juno Awards Blues jury pool; serves on Maple Blues Awards nominating panel and has been a judge for the Toronto Blues Society's "New Talent" contests.
Ryder Ziola - President is serving his second year on the Board of Trent Radio and his first year as President. He participates in two programmes, "The Trouble with Trekkies" on Friday nights and "Trivial Pursuit On-Air" on Wednesday nights. He studies Mathematics and Ancient History. He enjoys: cooking more than cleaning; melodrama more than drama; video more than pictures; pictures more than text. He often feels as if he owns celebrities.
John K Muir - VP and GM John Muir continues to be passionately devoted to the oral/aural tradition. Its through this discipline that he has gained skills and twenty-five years experience as a broadcaster, administrator & technician. Mr. Muir's experience began as a chorister in Ottawa and continued in England where he learned something of the art of campanology at a village church, and radio communications with the British Army. Later, he gained experience at Electronic Music Studios (EMS) Putney Bridge, England, while working as an assistant sound technician at concerts in London and on the road. Upon returning to Canada to learn what it might mean to be a Canadian and entering Trent University in the autumn of 1975, he caught the radio "bug" and produced and directed many hours of radio drama, news and features programming. In 1978, Mr. Muir was one of the founding directors when Trent Radio applied for incorporation and was instrumental in establishing Trent Radio's first studio in 1979, moving the organisation to its present location on George Street in 1985 and making application to the CRTC for Trent Radio's first broadcast licence. After thirteen years of service he left Trent Radio to work as the general manager of a music festival with R. Murray Schafer; as a free lance producer and concert engineer; and the administrator for Artspace, which was then, an artist run centre for visual art, performance and communication. Mr. Muir is well versed in Canadian radio practice, having worked for twelve years as a commercial radio announcer, and devoting his university (B.A. Cultural Studies) and on going studies to an analysis of broadcasting, musics, and orality, etc. Returning to Trent Radio in August 1994 as General Manager, John is most concerned with trying to create an environment conducive to the production of exceptional radio through the confluence and ethos of "social advocacy" and the "cultural avant-garde".